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My article “Strategic interdependence and preferences for debt mutualization in the eurozones” co-authored with Lucio Baccaro and Erik Neimanns was just published by the Revew of International Political Economy. The article is open access and available here.
My article “Fiscal policy preferences, trade-offs, and support for social investment” co-authored with Donato di Carlo and Leon Wansleben was just published by the Socio-Economic Review. The article is open access and available here.
My article “Fiscal policy preferences, trade-offs, and support for social investment” co-authored with Marius Busemeyer was just published by the Journal of Public Policy. The article is open access and available here.
My article “Who still likes social democracy? The support base of social democratic parties reconsidered” co-authored with Line Rennwald was just published by Party Politics. The article is open access and available here.
My article “Public opinion on welfare state recalibration in times of austerity: evidence from survey experiments” co-authored with Reto Bürgisser was just published by Poltical Science Research and Methods. The article is open access and available here.
My article “Do citizens care about government debt? Evidence From Survey Experiments on Budgetary Trade-offs and Priorities” co-authored with Reto Bürgisser was just published by the European Journal of Political Research. The article is open access and available here.
The German magazine WirtschaftsWoche published a fantastic piece about findings from our research project on the determinants of local public investment in Germany that I am working on with Donato di Carlo and Leon Wansleben. The article is available here. It was written by Jannik Deters, and it is based on our recent MPIfG Discussion Paper.
My article “Till austerity do us part? A survey experiment on support for the euro in Italy” co-authored with Lucio Baccaro and Erik Neimanns just published by European Union Politics. The article is open access and available here. A short blog post summarizing our results was published by LSE’s EUROPP blog. The post is available here.
My article “The Effect of Austerity Packages on Government Popularity During the Great Recession” co-authored with Abel Bojar, Hanspeter Kriesi, and Chendi Wang was just published by the British Journal of Political Science. The article is currently available open access here.
We are pleased to announce the program of the Max Planck Online Workshop in Comparative Political Economy (MAX CPE), a new monthly online seminar series in comparative political economy hosted by the Max Planck Institute for the Study of Societies.
I had the pleasure to talk to Tarik Abou-Chadi about my research on social democratic parties and austerity politics for the Transformation of European Politics Podcast.
We are pleased to announce the launch of the Max Planck Online Workshop in Comparative Political Economy (MAX CPE), a new monthly online seminar series in comparative political economy hosted by the Max Planck Institute for the Study of Societies.
This post was co-authored with Philipp Genschel and first published by the EUIdeas blog of the European University Institute.
This post is in German. It was authored with Nils Redeker and first published by the Jacques Delors Centre in Berlin.
This article was co-authored with Lucio Baccaro and Erik Neimanns. It was first published by the Washington Post’s MonkeyCage.
This article was co-authored with Leon Wansleben and first published by Radix.
This article was co-authored with Matthias Matthijs and first published by Foreign Policy.
My article “Dynamics of protest and elections in the Great Recession” co-authored with Swen Hutter and Hanspeter Kriesi was just published by the European Journal of Political Research. The article is open access and available here.
This post is in German and it was first published by the blog of the German Political Science Association (DVPW). It was written jointly with Philipp Genschel from the (European University Institute).
On his last visit to Berlin in the beginning of May, French President Emmanuel Macron said that “the German growth model has perhaps run its course”. He argued that the economic reforms that Germany made in the early 2000s allowed the country to benefit from imbalances within the Eurozone, but that these imbalances have created problems for the rest of Europe, which are too large to ignore.
In recent years, fiscal policy in Germany and the US has diverged. In response to the financial crisis both countries implemented large stimulus programs, but over time the policy priorities shifted: German finance ministers became obsessed with balancing the budget, while the Trump administration slashed taxes.
My article “The Political Economy of the SPD Reconsidered: Evidence from the Great Recession” was just published by German Politics. The article is available here.
My article “The ideational foundations of social democratic austerity in the context of the Great Recession” jointly written with Sean McDaniel (University of Warwick) was just published by the Socio-Economic Review. The article is available here.
My article “The Missing Left? Economic crisis and the Programmatic Response of Social Democratic Parties in Europe” was just published by Party Politics. The article is available here.
The German Institute for Economic Research (DIW) has published a short round-up that I have written with Guido Baldi and Thore Schlaack. The round-up is available here. In the round-up we summarise the literature on international current account balances and international investments with a specific focus on Germany:
The German SPD hit a historic low in the 2017 federal elections. The 20.5 per cent of votes received was the party’s worst result since the Second World War. On the evening of the election, Martin Schulz called the result a “bitter defeat”, which was still something of an understatement. Despite the short revival of the SPD in the polls at the beginning of the year, the party was defeated for the fourth Bundestag election in a row. When compared to 1998, when Gerhard Schröder won 40.9 per cent, the party’s vote share has nearly halved over the last two decades. The party has now been thrown into a deep and existential crisis.
The recent global economic crisis also led to a crisis of social democratic parties. Lacking clear ideas, the parties struggled to respond to the economic malaise and failed to be a strong political force in the context of the worst economic downturn since the Great Depression. As a result, the average vote share of social democratic parties in Western Europe dropped to an unprecedented low since 1945 (figure 1), leaving them at risk of sliding into political insignificance. In some countries, the far left benefited from this crisis of social democratic parties and much has been written about the causes behind the success of Alexis Tsipras, Jeremy Corbyn, or Bernie Sanders, who are spearheading these socialist insurgencies. However, except for Syriza in Greece, the far left failed to win elections and was unable to stop the wave of right-wing populism that is currently rolling across the Western world. At the beginning of 2017, commentators are instead looking to figures from the centre-left to stop this wave.
Four years ago, I was celebrating Barack Obama’s second election victory with friends in front of the White House. We were dancing in the streets and chanting “Four more years.” Today, I have woken up in a different world, which left me speechless, sad, and profoundly shocked. No more chanting, no more dancing.
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